Hi, I’m Jacob

I co-founded and lead research at NewLimit, an ambitious biotechnology company developing epigenetic reprogramming therapeutics.

Previously, I led a research program at Calico as a Principal Investigator and Computational Fellow and worked as a Data Scientist in Calico’s Computing group. My lab focused on repurposing developmental programs to restore youthful gene expression in old cells. My other research focused on explaining how aging manifests differently among diverse mammalian cell types, how stem cells age, and on developing methods for timelapse imaging and single cell RNA sequencing.

Prior to Calico, I earned a PhD at the University of California San Francisco as part of the NSF Center for Cellular Construction, advised by Wallace Marshall and Andrew Brack. My thesis work developed methods to infer how cell states change over time from timelapse imaging data. This approach allowed me to measure the rate of muscle stem cell activation and helped reveal age-related changes in muscle stem cells.

When I’m not doing science, I like to write, climb big hills, and play several instruments with equitable levels of mediocrity.

If you ever want to get in touch with me, shoot me an email at jacob@jck.bio or find me on Twitter @jacobkimmel. I enjoy meeting new people to discuss aging biology, machine learning, carbon capture, and the relative merits of San Francisco coffee shops.

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